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aAaB aCaD aEaF aGaH aIaJ aKaL aMaN aOaP aQaR aSaT aUaV aWaX aYaZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
SOBHA SINGH art gallery 16
SOHAM art 24
SOMA'S CLASSIC art paper 16
SONKA art activity 16
SONY art 26
SRI SRI the art of living 14, 16, 18, 27
SUYOG art material 16
T THEA the nail art studio 44
T&A thread & art +square 24
TAJ art silk +crown 23
TAO the way to art 20
TAPI textiles & art 26
TAPORI art 16
TAPTI collection of art 14
VARPA art jewellery 35
VIA art jewellery +plant 14
W western art +square 25
WALMUR-art 17
WELCO art 41
WONDER BAKE art of baking 30
XMA xtreme martial art 25
YOUNG-art 16
ZANASKAR art 14, 24
ZIBA-the art of mehndi 3, 16, 42
biella the art of excellenc 18
cotton art 24
elite COLLECTORS indian art 16
elite collectors indian art 35, 41
global ARTICULTURE art hous 20
retail art +bags 41
shivom mystic art gallery 35, 41
sri sri the art of living 3, 5
sri the art of living +bird 9
tanjore art gallery +god 16
the art of being EA elegant 23
u UJALA art jewellers 14
arth gold 19
LOKSATTA arthasankalpa 41
arthosol LINIMENT 5
SALONPAS arthritis pain 5
ASIC arthroscopy +square 44
APEX kitchenware articles 8
PARTY 365 party articles 16, 28
SMRUTI awards & articles 19
SONAM gift articles 20
kennel dogy articles +dog 18
party 365 party articles 42
AISHA artificial intelligen 9, 38
ART EYES artificial eye +ey 10, 44
VEEDOL artisan 100 4
VEEDOL artisan 32 4
PAC professional artist 3
A art and artistes 16
IIJ artistic 41
KIDS ONE the artistic 25
KOOKA the artistic (parrot) 25
KOOKA the artistic +bird 25
MONTEX artistik 16
STIC-artistix 16
ZBROW artists 42
DESIGNEN artof making desig 42
ALBERT arts +man 24, 25
ALPHA arts academy 16
AMASS ALANKRITA arts & craf 16
ANIMA arts & paintings 41
BK BEEKAY arts 35
CAC contemporary arts craft 27, 20, 24
CACHE arts crafts gallery 25
DIGITAL arts 9, 16
GARY arts +woman 21
GAURANG arts 16
GOKAIDO martial arts shop 35
I'M center for applied arts 16
I'M centre for applied arts 14
IM center for applied arts 20
LASER graphic arts film 9
MA multi arts 16
OBJECT D'arts 15
OBJECT'D arts 25
OLYMPIA steel arts 6, 12
RANGPUHAR performing arts 35
SFA SRINIVAS fine arts +ova 40
SHRINATH arts jewellery 35
arts 16
SUNRISE arts 42
SURYA arts +bird 16
TEN motion arts +circle 41
TONY arts & advertising 16
ZANASKAR arts 16, 20, 27
fa furniture arts 20
i'm centre for applied arts 21
im centre for applied arts 21
arts 19
arumug UMA MAHESWARI +god 34
ADA arun's dental art +oval 44
arunachal DEEPAM +flame 28, 42
arunodaya APK KHADI +oval 5, 30
aruz WADI INDUS +spool 30
arv-1 5
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